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The Last Week (KIS): Rocky Finally Knows the TRUTH!


Photo Credit: Kahit Isang Saglit @

The episode immediately (more like after 2 minutes of a summary of what has happened in the story) starts from where it left off last week: Anthony shoots Ronaldo and Garie comes screaming. Rocky appears some time later and Garie tells him that Anthony shot her Tatay.

Fast forward, we are taken into the hospital morgue with Ronaldo lying on the table with Garie weeping. There are numerous flashbacks from the past. Rocky comes and Garie tells him that she trusted him and it was because she loved him. Bewildered at that statement, Rocky says that he loves her too. However, now that her Tatay was murdered, Garie does not want to see him ever again. She tells him to leave.

Outside, Amir and Popong show up and the former gives Rocky a blow to the face. Popong tells him off and with her finger says, “Naiintindihan mo!” Amir then gives Rocky another good ‘ole hit on the face.

In his room, Rocky receives a call from Alona. She then tells him that both of them were wrong about Garie’s Tatay and that Ronaldo may have been telling them the truth after all. She confirms this by stating that it was her mother that confessed that Anthony had been courting Eunice, Garie’s mother.

Now, the pièce de résistance! Rocky sees that he has one voicemail and listens to the message of the year: it is the sound of Ronaldo’s final moments before Anthony kills him. Anthony basically confesses his part in everything; that he killed Rocky’s father, Francisco. And at the very last moment, Ronaldo also confesses that, because of the horrible act he did to Eunice, Anthony is actually Garie’s biological father.

In his rage, Rocky heads off to Anthony’s hotel room and confronts him, gun and all. Tomorrow is the episode to wait for!

My Thoughts

Wowza! This has to be one of the most thrilling episodes in the story. Honestly, I did not stay with this teleserye during most of its duration because there was just too much miscommunication, tears, and sadness every day. However, because it’s the last week, I just had to know what has been happening! Fortunately (and regretfully), I admit that the long summary before each episode greatly helps. 🙂

On Carmen Soo-Rosales (Garie)

Let me first comment on my thoughts of Carmen Soo. This woman is amazing. She’s humble, sweet, classy, and such a fresh face on TV. I sometimes get tired of seeing the same actors being recycled, so Carmen is definitely a new breeze of cool air. In today’s episode, I thought she did exceptionally well, especially in the scene where she was holding her Tatay as he died. I cried right then and there.

On Echo (Rocky)

On the other hand of the loveteam spectrum, we have Jericho. As always, he brings his all on screen. Since I have always made an effort to watch his movie or serye, I basically have his style memorized. When you watch Echo, you know you are going to get it all.

On Luisa Chong (Popong)

Now for Popong! (lol) This lady is awesome. I love how she spoke in Tagalog; it was truly believable. Whoever taught her how to speak those aforesaid words, give yourself a pat on the back.

On Albert Martinez (Ronaldo)

I just did not like how he was breathing while he was acting dead. Either Mr. Martinez should have put in more effort to delay his  breathing or the cameraman should have used other angles to show the hospital morgue scene. His breathing and the long flashbacks were what made me fast foward the episode.


All in all, good episode today, especially the revelations. This episode surely created the platform for what is to come during this week. And I will surely be tuning in!

Much love,


Move Over Lyka & Noah, ‘Cus Rocky & Garie Are Here!

(my new favorite teleserye loveteam)

Considering that I’ve never formally closed this blog, I’d like to share my thoughts on tonight’s episode of Kahit Isang Saglit.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been waiting for that one special episode that lets me know that this one’s a keeper. Finally, tonight’s episode delivers a stunning climax, all thanks to Jericho Rosales and Carmen Soo.

One word to describe what I was feeling when Rosales’ character, Rocky, admitted his feelings to Garie was, “Wow.” The emotions on his face was just… incredible as if those feelings were real and this is an actual lovers quarrel we are all witnessing.

On the other side, I can’t leave out Carmen Soo. At first I had my doubts if this girl could act since her lines are usually light and fun and don’t really let her go all out, but in this scene, man, does she deliver. I love how her voice trembles as she verbally shows her frustration to Rocky and how she pushed him on the door — these little tidbits made the scene real and contributed to the pace that lead to Rosales’ now infamous line: “Hindi lang naman kita gusto eh, mahal kita!” is and forever will be a memorable line in our generation. It’s right up there with Milby’s, “I. Never. Said… that I love you.” 🙂

The scene brought me to a few tears, many squeals of kilig, and thoughts of “Oh my God….” Seriously, how’d you feel if someone said that to you?!

All in all, excellent episode — by far the best one from the series.

Now it’s your turn, what did you guys think? 🙂

‘Kahit Isang Saglit’ Starring Jericho Rosales and Carmen Soo

The title’s since been changed to Malaysia, but damn, when is this coming?

edit Yep, it’s here! /edit